Urgent appointments To request an urgent appointment for today or tomorrow (Monday to Friday) Birchwood Surgery – Contact us online using an online form (eConsult) available Monday to Friday. We ... [continue] Appointments
Are you caring for or supporting a relative, friend or neighbour? Are you helped or supported by a relative, friend or neighbour? We need to know so we can offer ... [continue] Carers
Find out more about the clinics and services available at the surgery.
Managing your health online
Using an online form There are many things you can do online at our surgery. Some tasks you can do using a website called eConsult where you can: request an ... [continue] Managing your health online
Non-NHS services
GP surgeries have always undertaken private work for patients, to help them with matters arising in daily life that are not covered by the NHS (insurance policy administration, travel claims, ... [continue] Non-NHS services
Ordering repeat prescriptions The easiest ways to order repeat prescriptions are: using your NHS account (through the NHS website or in the NHS App) using the GP online system: Systmonline These accounts ... [continue] Prescriptions
NHS e-Referral (Choose and Book) Tracking If your doctor has referred you to a specialist for further care you will be asked to book your appointment using the ‘NHS e-Referral’ ... [continue] Referrals
Self referral services
There are some local services where you can get help without needing to be referred by a GP. This is called self-referral, and local services on offer include: Caring responsibilities ... [continue] Self referral services
Sick (fit) notes
If you’ve been off sick for more than 7 days To request a sick note: fill out a sick note request form phone or visit the surgery when we are ... [continue] Sick (fit) notes
Social prescribing
Our social prescribing link workers help patients to get the right support. Many different patients will be referred to social prescribing link workers. They include: People with long-term conditions Low ... [continue] Social prescribing
Test results
Test results wait times We will usually get your results in one or two weeks, but it depends on the circumstances and type of test you have. An approximate number ... [continue] Test results
Date published: 20th September, 2023
Date last updated: 21st September, 2023